President Maduro celebrates eighth anniversary of JPSUV

The Youth of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (JPSUV) arrived on Monday to its eighth year of foundation, and the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, congratulated all the youth of the Homeland who «guarantee the continuity of the path of struggle and victory that guided our Commander Chavez. »
The president wrote on his Facebook profile:
«This Monday we celebrate the eighth anniversary of the founding of the Youth of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the JPSUV.
In this important instance of militant and revolutionary organization of the youth of our Homeland, it is the essence of the thought of our Commander Chavez, of the construction of the New men and women, since in the youth there is the hope of a new world, free of the vices of selfishness, racism, hatred and corruption, and to prevail the values of solidarity, commitment, values and social sensitivity.
Today in Venezuela rises a new generation of revolutionary leaders, which ensure the continuity of the path of struggle and victory that led our Commander Chavez, with the libertarian thought of Simon Bolivar.
Long Live the JPSUV! Long Live the Chavez Generation!