Venezuela presented national human rights plan to Unasur Secretary General

The Executive Secretary of the National Human Rights Council, Larry Devoe, held a meeting with the Secretary General of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), Ernesto Samper, where he presented the National Human Rights Plan which was approved by the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, in February this year.
Devoe recalled that this document was built by the Council he leads, a body that was born thanks to the recommendation of Unasur, after the process of dialogue that was held in Caracas in 2014.
He also explained that this plan includes a series of structural measures to further advance in the policies of protection of Human Rights that Venezuela has been steadily promoting along the last decade.
This is the first Human Rights Plan that mentions the strengthening of the High Level Group on Human Rights of Unasur, with the aim of promoting a new regional institutionality in this matter.
In this regard, the Secretary General of Unasur, Ernesto Samper Pizano, positively assessed the fact that Venezuela has built this Plan that manages to systematize the policy of the Bolivarian Government in the promotion and protection of Human Rights.
Since February this year, the Plan is being implemented by the Venezuelan State’s institutions, who are incorporating into their respective Operation Plans, the actions that are under their responsibility in order to ensure their compliance.
The construction of this Plan is the result of a process carried out in three stages: Diagnosis, preparation of a preliminary proposal, and public consultation throughout the country, which were developed with the valuable contribution of international agencies, organizations and movements in this matter, along with State institutions.
The Plan consists of five axes, 15 strategic lines and 213 programmatic actions aimed at increasing the guarantee of Human Rights. This State policy will complement the Homeland Plan and to all plans, policies and social missions that has been developing the Venezuelan State.
«It is not about replacing the existing plans, but to generate processes that allow to meet the ghoals that those plans contain in the matter of Human Rights, and thus deepen the public policies adopted by the Natinoal Government, which have had significant achievements in the effective enjoyment of these rights», said Devoe.