Venezuela and China strengthen public management skills

A delegation of 24 participants from Venezuela, attached to the Ministry of People’s Power for National Commerce and other entities of the Venezuelan public administration, participate in the Seminar on Medium and Long-Term Planning for Social Development in Latin American Countries and Public Administration Management, which is taking place at the Vocational Institute of Foreign Trade of the Hunan Province in China.

With the aim of deepening and contributing to the development of capacities in public administration management in the multi-sector collaboration between China and Latin American countries, Chinese experts and academics will present until November 26 topics such as the national conditions of the Asian giant, the strengthening of the public service capacities of local governments, the formulation and execution of public policies, as well as the use of big data and the modernization of government governance.

The opening ceremony was led by authorities from the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, who presented to the participants various aspects such as the basic national conditions of China and the new perspective of economic and trade cooperation between China and Latin America.

In this regard, the director of follow-up of the Office of Integration and International Affairs of the Ministry of People’s Power of National Commerce of Venezuela, Luis Rangel, highlighted that this seminar is essential to position Venezuelan national trade as a reference in the process of economic recovery.

The Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM), as well as the Ministry of People’s Power of National Commerce, trust that this activity will contribute to strengthening strategic ties and friendship between both nations.