PetroBoscán sets a goal of 96,000 barrels by the end of 2024

In a message to American investors, the Bolivarian head of State and Government, Nicolás Maduro, indicated that the special oil for the refineries of the North American country is in Venezuela:

Investors from the United States, my name is Nicolás Maduro Moros, I am the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a man of my word, a trustworthy man, I welcome your investment in Venezuela so that we can work for another, United States-Venezuela relationship. Quality Venezuelan oil, especially for United States refineries, is here, we are going to produce it together, we are going to export it,” he called.

Currently PetroBoscán registers an average of 83,000 barrels with a view to 96,000 at the end of this 2024; in this sense the president projected that “In the second half of this year will be one of work, growth, peace, stability”, estimating that the company’s production will exceed 100,000 barrels.

PetroBoscán is an association with an American investor, “with whom we have extraordinary working and cooperative relations, it is Chevron Venezuela,” highlighted the Venezuelan Dignitary.

For his part, the president of Chevron Venezuela, Mariano Vela, who accompanied the head of state during the tour, referred to the footprint of the oil company in our country, referring to the “pillars of operational excellence and reliability.” in this field (…) proud of that working force that has allowed us to achieve exponential growth in production in these last two years,” as Vela explained.

During his visit to the facilities of the mixed company PetroBoscán, the President, prior to the announcement, valued the talent of the oil working class of Zulia state: “High excellence, high human quality, high work capacity, because Venezuela has an oil industry that has recovered with its own efforts.”