President Maduro announces housing plan for Maracaibo

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced a Housing Plan starting with the municipalities of Maracaibo and San Francisco, which will later extend through the entire Zulia state:

I want a perfect housing plan for Maracaibo, and from here for all of Zulia,” he stressed.

During the announcement, he directed spokespeople from the communal circuits of the Maracaibo and San Francisco municipalities to go to the headquarters of the Corporation for the Development of the Zulia Region (Corpozulia), to hold a first meeting in the next few hours, adding that “tomorrow (Friday) you hold a meeting with the other communal circuits of the state.”

For this task, he ordered the president of Corpozulia, Néstor Reverol; and to the Minister of Petroleum and political godfather of the 1×10 system in Zulia state, Pedro Tellechea: “You do hold the meeting! With all the communal circuits of Maracaibo.”

«From now until 2030 we are going to build 500,000 homes per year, 3 million new homes for the people, for homes, but I want to do it with the communal councils, with the communes,» he previously indicated.

Likewise, he instructed Reverol and Tellechea to guarantee a special asphalt plan for the Luis Hurtado Higuera parish:

«We have made progress in the asphalting plan, but you ill guarantee a special asphalt for the Luis Hurtado Higuera parish starting tomorrow (Friday) and we are going to advance for all of Maracaibo,» he reported.

In this activity, before the massive concentration, with the family of Maracaibo, he indicated that in the coming days the University Hospital of Maracaibo will be delivered:

In fifteen days we are delivering the package works for the Maracaibo university hospital,” he pointed out.