Venezuela decrees June 15 as the Day of Repentance and Hope in Christ

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, decreed June 15 as the Day of Repentance and Hope in Christ. This decision comes after his participation this Saturday in a Christian act of national repentance and enthronement of Jesus Christ in Venezuela.

Through his official account on the X social network, the head of state noted: “June 15, starting this year, will be the “Day of Repentance and Hope in Christ.” The Christian people can always count on me, I will not fail you. Blessings for our Homeland and Humanity.”

Likewise, in another tweet the dignitary recalled with some photographs part of the experience lived with the Christian community: “We held a special meeting in the People’s Palace, with the apostles, pastors and the Christian churches, we united in sincere and beautiful prayer, of National Repentance and Enthronement of Jesus Christ in Venezuela. Our Nation belongs to Christ.”

Starting this year, every June 15 will be the “Day of Repentance and Hope in Christ.” The Christian people can always count on me, I will not fail you. Blessings for our Country and Humanity.”

Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) June 16, 2024