During the National Council of Productive Economy, Los Andes region, which took place in Mérida state, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted that organic food is produced in the country: “In Venezuela, organic, high-quality food is produced, and it is produced at the best price in the region.”

Likewise, the head of state highlighted that the Andean region has the capacity to increase exports to Colombia due to the quality of production in the entities that comprise it, such as Táchira, Mérida and Trujillo states.

He recalled that since 2023, imports from Colombia have increased by 54%, and exports from Venezuela to Colombia have increased by 16%: “but there should be an even, balanced, growing balance, if the Andes are all in a large Economic Zone with joint plans and define an export offer, I think we would turn this balance around,” said the president.

For his part, the Minister of People’s Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, indicated that “there is an element called ractopanim hydrochloride, which is known to pork and chicken producers, and is a carcinogenic chemical that is introduced into pigs, chickens, cattle and some bring smuggled meat from the United States, Canada, Colombia. “Our chickens, our livestock, have absolutely nothing to do with it.”