President Maduro remembers Ali Primera’s legacy 81 years after his birth

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, commemorates the life of the Venezuelan singer-songwriter and revolutionary Ali Primera on the occasion of celebrating his 81st birthday this Monday.

Through his account on the Twitter social network, @NicolasMaduro, the head of state writes a thought of the people’s singer: “If the fight disperses there will be no popular victory in the combat.”

In this sense, he expresses in the published message: “Ali, the Venezuelan people are today more united than ever, fighting and winning for the Good and Beautiful Homeland that we dream of. For Venezuela, all our love, commitment and infinite loyalty”.

In another tweet, the national president highlighted: “The deep, authentic and eternal song of Ali Primera, today is the conscience of a People who defends their right to be free and happy. The powerful voice, and the message of the Singer of the People, shakes us and encourages us to continue the path of struggle for the Homeland”.

In 2021, the National Assembly of Venezuela declared October 31 of each year, as the Day of the Necessary Song.

Ely Rafael Primera Rosell, better known as Alí Primera, was born on October 31, 1941, 81 years ago, in the city of Coro, Falcón state, becoming one of the great poets, singer and political activist of the country and Latin America, remembered for his dedication and love for the poor peoples of Venezuela and the world.

Despite losing his father at the age of three and living in precarious conditions with his mother and his brothers, Ali held various jobs to help at home without neglecting his studies, as reports Telesur on its website.

The singer recorded his first album in 1972, from Germany, entitled De una vez (At Once), where he included emblematic and unforgettable songs such as “Techos De Carton” (Cardboard ceilings), “Yo no se Filosofar” (I don’t know how to philosophize), “El Despertar de la Historia” (The awakening of history) and “No basta Rezar” (It’s not enough to pray), among others.