President Maduro: We are willing to repeat the battle of Santa Inés for Peace

Inspired by the epic of our history, 20 years ago we once again defeated the rude oligarchy of the surnames. May you know today that we continue to be that combative People of Zamora and Chávez, now more united, stronger, ready and willing to repeat again the feat of “Santa Inés”, for the Peace and Sovereignty of the Homeland, in any terrain and circumstance”, expressed the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

Through the publication of a video on his official account @NIcolasMaduro on the X social network, the head of state highlighted the statement that Commander Hugo Chávez would give, on June 3, 2004, when he evoked the emblematic poem “Florentino and the Devil”, by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba, to name the electoral campaign as the second Battle of Santa Inés:

“Let the sombre singer know that I comply with my law and as I have won in seven elections, I will win them in an eighth. I accept the challenge, in the name of the dignity of the Venezuelan people, we will see you there in Santa Inés to fight this battle for the future of Venezuela,” manifested Commander Chávez before the call for the presidential revoking referendum that took place on December 15. August 2004.

The “Santa Inés” Campaign constituted the victory and unity of the revolutionary mobilization to ratify Commander Hugo Chávez as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the revoking referendum, where with more than five million votes, the people said “NO” to the exit from power of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Nicolas Maduro
“Inspired by the epic of our history, 20 years ago we once again defeated the rude oligarchy of surnames. May you know today that we continue to be that combative People of Zamora and Chávez, now more united, stronger, ready and willing to repeat again the feat of “Santa…”