AN repudiates insolent resolution of the European Parliament (+Communiqué)

The Venezuelan Legislative Branch challenged the resolution adopted by the European Parliament against the nation, and declared as Non Grata to the people who signed the reprehensible text, which seeks to constitute “a gross interference in our internal affairs” and disrespect for what is enshrined in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:

It represents a new escalation of aggression against peace and political stability in the country, seeking to revive the colonialist, supremacist, decayed and diminished character in Europe and the world, which flagrantly violates and disowns the principles of international law,” adds the official statement from the National Assembly (AN), released by the president of the Board of Directors, Jorge Rodríguez, on their social networks.

The Venezuelan parliament denounces that this action aims to cover up the terrorist actions planned to assassinate the Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros, with support for the fascist right wing in its violent, terrorist and extremist behavior. It also warns that crude interference could disqualify the participation of the European Union as an international companion during the presidential elections to be held this year.

Deputy Jorge Rodríguez described the MEPs who promoted such a resolution as “haggard who stumble over the same stone 100 times.”

Following, the full text of the communiqué:

The National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects and repudiates the infamous and insolent resolution of the European Parliament dated February 8 this year.

For the Venezuelan Parliament, this act constitutes a gross interference in our internal affairs and disrespect for what is enshrined in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, representing a new escalation of aggression against peace and political stability in the country, attempting to revive the colonialist, supremacist, decayed and diminished character in Europe and the world, which flagrantly violates and disowns the principles of international law regarding respect for the independence, sovereignty and self-determination of the Venezuelan people.

We denounce that with this action they intend to cover up the terrorist actions planned to assassinate Constitutional President Nicolás Maduro Moros, and thus collapse the normal functioning of the country’s democratic institutions, promoting and supporting sectors of the fascist right wing of the Venezuelan opposition to take the path of violence, extremism and terrorism for political destabilization.

The National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela declares the MEPs that rudely supported and voted in favor of this resolution against Venezuela as persona non grata, warning that these actions are contrary to the principles of international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter and in the norms and principles that govern peaceful relations between States could disqualify the participation of the European Union as an international companion during the presidential elections to be held this year, for not meeting the conditions of objectivity, neutrality and impartiality necessary for them.

The National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela demands respect for the Venezuelan State, its institutions, the National Constitution, the laws and the people of Venezuela.

It has been more than 200 years since we stopped being a colony. We do not and will not accept – under any circumstances – any foreign and neocolonialist interference.

Caracas, February 8, 2024″.

About the infamous and insolent resolution of the European Parliament’s haggard dated February 8. Tripping over the same stone 100 times”

Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv) February 8, 2024