Bolivarian Government will allocate almost 80% of the 2024 budget to social investment

The nation’s budget for the fiscal year 2024 amounts to 729,948,434,691 bolivars, as reported this Wednesday the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez.

During her appearance before the National Assembly to present this budget projection, Rodríguez explained that 77.4% of this amount will be allocated to social investment to guarantee the integral care for the Venezuelan people:

That must be our north. There in those sectors where the most vulnerable are, there in the sectors that make up the social welfare state we can direct our resources,” she highlighted.

Likewise, she indicated that for the coming year the country’s ordinary income is calculated at 38.80 percent, while the extraordinary income is averaged at 47.80%, and the debt at 13.40%.

This 2024 budget exercise is done with great hope in the victories that are reserved for our people. In this difficult recovery process, where the people has achieved victory and has never given up or cried in the face of the blockade,” she highlighted.

On the other hand, she recalled Venezuela has experienced significant economic growth during the last 9 quarters, while reporting that during November 2023 was recorded the lowest inflation in the last 11 years:

In these quarters, oil activity, agribusiness, industry, manufacturing, and commercial activity have grown. Agriculture has also maintained a solid level of growth thanks to the CLAP social policy that has allowed a special boost in both public and private agro-productive sectors,” she noted.

Likewise, she explained that the private manufacturing sector has accumulated 10 quarters of sustained growth. On the other hand, she explained that to date there is a full supply of goods and services in the country.

On the other hand, she demanded, in the name of the Venezuelan people, for the unilateral coercive measures imposed by imperialism and its allies on our country to be lifted.