CNE will respond next week results of signature verification

The National Electoral Council (CNE) will respond next week with the results of the audit made to the forms to request a recall referendum, as said on Thursday in an exclusive interview for the program «En la Palestra» (In the board) of the Radio Nacional de Venezuela (RNV) network, CNE’s rector Socorro Hernandez.
She recalled that the party of the self-called Democratic Unity Board (MUD) presented on April 26 the forms before the governing body. According to the regulations, this political organization had a month to correct details on the process that ended just today -on Thursday-. From now on, the CNE will have 5 days to respond to the results of the process.
«The answer comes to be that we will make available the database, in order that each of the signatories may put their mark and complete the cycle», said Hernandez. Of being transparent the process -she said- the political party will receive a certification, to request to the body the consent to harvest rubrics of a 20% of the electoral roll.
She referred that the CNE has worked in a permanent way in scanning, typing and auditing of 200,000 consigned forms to ensure the reliability of information.
She argued that the CNE must guarantee transparency for the applicants and those affected by the referendum, in order to preserve peace and maintain adherence to the rules.