Head of State celebrates the anti-imperialist spirit and loyalty of the People

In commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, celebrated the reception of the euphoric people full of anti-imperialist spirit and loyalty in the Naval Walk of the Lake of Zulia state.

Likewise, he recalled in his account on the Twitter social network, @NicolasMaduro: “Baked in the immense love of the Zulian people, we celebrate the heroic deed of our Liberators in the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo. That same flame and anti-imperialist spirit of 200 years ago is alive in the town. Long live Venezuela!”

The historic victory of the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo leaves an important lesson; “We must never overconfide ourselves, we must keep our guard on permanent alert, watching over the sovereignty of the Homeland, peace and the Independence of Venezuela, always caring for and protecting our people, taking care of lakes and seas, the Caribbean and Atlantic façade”, thus The head of state stated this during the naval parade held on Monday.

It should be noted that President Nicolás Maduro is recognized by the Venezuelan people for promoting peace, dialogue and national reconciliation, with the aim of strengthening and consolidating the collective conscience of the people.

Bathed in the immense love of the Zulian people, we celebrate the heroic deed of our Liberator men and women in the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo. That same flame and anti-imperialist spirit of 200 years ago is alive in the people. Long live Venezuela! pic.twitter.com/gxMVmQE78E”

Nicolas Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) July 25, 2023