Surveys reveal that 84% of Venezuelans reject sanctions

In the context of the five consensuses, and six years after the victory of May 20, 2018, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, assured that these fronts of struggle awakened the consciousness of a new Venezuela in the face of adversity, and specified that surveys reveal that 84 percent of Venezuelans demand the cessation of the Unilateral and criminal Coercive Measures by the North American empire.

It is worth remembering that these national consensuses were created in order to strengthen not only the patriotic morale of the Venezuelan, but also the country’s economic muscle to be a totally independent nation, which is why President Maduro concluded that “it is the result of the work the people has done to achieve victory over coercive measures.”

Likewise, the head of state noted that the number of Venezuelans who are dissatisfied with the sanctions “is measured by all the surveys that may exist, national and international, we agree to repudiate the sanctions and demand Biden to lift the sanctions now!”