AN will begin regular sessions period for 2023 this January 5

The National Assembly (AN) will begin the regular session period for 2023 this Thursday, January 5 at 11:00 a.m., according to information provided by the parliamentary press office.

In this sense, the president of the Legislative Power, deputy Jorge Rodríguez, convened this Tuesday the 277 parliamentarians for the installation session established by the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CRBV) in its article 219, that indicates January 5 of each year to start the annual period of the National Parliament. While the Internal and Debate Regulation (Ridan) explains the procedure for this purpose in articles 1 and 2.

It is understood that prior to the installation session, the acting board of directors and other parliamentarians will remain in the Yellow House awaiting the order of the AN protocol officials to move to Plaza Bolívar where they will honor the equestrian statue of the Father of the Homeland, The Liberator Simón Bolívar, to then move to the Federal Legislative Palace in order to begin the process of installation of the session and the election of the new directive.

Deputy Jorge Rodríguez will serve as debate director for this installation session, since he completed his second year as president of the legislature. Therefore, it corresponds to him to occupy the corresponding seat in the Tribune of the Board of Directors and from there he will lead the session provisionally.

In accordance with article 3 of Ridan, the oldest deputy will be announced as the one responsible for directing the Installation Commission that will have two assembly members, who will fulfill the function of Secretary and Sub-secretary or accidental Sub-secretary to make the protocol procedures established by law.

The debate director must choose five deputies to review the credentials of all the parliamentarians present in the session and thus begin reading the list of candidates for office and then proceed to vote in Plenary for those who will make up the new Board of Directors of the AN, as stated in article 8 of Ridan.

Once the members of the Board of Directors are elected from within, the president, the first vice president or first vice president and second vice president or second vice president, secretary or secretary and the undersecretary or undersecretary for a period of one year, will be sworn in by the commission to later occupy the position to which they were elected by the Plenary Chamber, as points out Article 194 of the CRBV.

Next, the president, sitting in its position on the rostrum, will declare the NA installed and will inform the Executive Power, the Judicial Power, the Citizen Power and the Electoral Power in the following days. Likewise, the AN will participate in its installation to the spokespersons of the People’s Power.

With the Board of Directors installed, the AN will formally begin a new annual period to fulfill its functions as expressed in constitutional 187 regarding the powers of the Legislative Power.

Annual message of the President of the Republic:

According to article 237 of the CRBV, each year the President of the Republic will personally submit a message to the AN in which he reports on the political, economic, social and administrative aspects of its management during the immediately preceding year.

In this sense, the visit of the Head of State to the AN will take place on January 15 of each year, or days before or after.

At that time, the national president must deliver, in writing, to the Board of Directors of the AN, his Report and Account for 2022, in order to record his participation in the act before the Legislative Power.

Management Balance of the NA:

In the last two years, the Legislative Branch has sanctioned 59 laws and approved 39 bills in first discussion, which are in public consultation to be submitted to a second debate in plenary.

During 2022, the AN approved 27 laws and developed 73 sessions (among ordinary, special and solemn) fulfilling its role as a legislator and exercising control functions over the government and the Public Administration enshrined in articles 187 and 202 of the magna carta.

The corrected instruments are: the Organic Law of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Tax Law on Large Financial Transactions, the Law for the Protection of Families, Maternity and Paternity, the Law of Official Publications and the Organic Law of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The Law against Corruption, the Organic Law of Public Defense, the Law of Public Interpreters, the Law Repealing the Law on the “Francisco Fajardo“ Order Award, the Organic Law of Special Economic Zones and the Law of Registration of Criminal record.

Other sanctioned laws are the Stamps Law, National Archives Law, Insurance Activity Law, Law on the Decoration Order of the Great Cacique Guaicaipuro «Guapotori Guaicaipuro», Law Regulating the Use of the Name, Titles and Effigy of The Liberator Simón Bolívar.

Likewise, were passed the Approval Law of the Air Services Agreement between Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the Special Law for Home Workers, the Law of the “Darío Vivas” Order Award, the Budget Law for Fiscal Year 2023, and the Special Law on Annual Indebtedness for the 2023 Economic-Financial Year.

In addition, the parliament authorized 17 laws in first discussion and 77 agreements, of which it is worth mentioning the support and congratulations to the people of Brazil and its president Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva for the victory in the presidential elections on October 30.

Likewise, the legislature licensed 16 ambassadors appointed by the national Executive to exercise the function of representing the country in other nations and 47 Parliamentary Friendship Groups were formed, in order to establish or strengthen relations with the legislative powers of other nations.

Among the most outstanding activities in 2022 we have that the Legislative Branch celebrated the 48th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Federal Legislative Palace.

In this same order of ideas, the parliaments of Venezuela and Colombia signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement to advance in the relaunch of bilateral relations, at the Simón Bolívar International Bridge.

AN and the Dialogue Table:

For his part, the president of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Jorge Rodríguez and plenipotentiary head of the national government delegation at the Dialogue Table for Peace in Mexico, welcomed various emissaries and delegations from the United States in 2022 to continue the dialogue and the agenda started on March 5, 2022 between both countries, acknowledged by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

In this same order of ideas, the National Assembly (AN) unanimously supported and ratified, in all its parts, the Second Partial Agreement for the Social Protection of the Venezuelan People, signed between the Government of Venezuela and the self-styled Single Platform (oppositions) in Mexico, on November 26, where more than three billion dollars are being recovered, of the more than 24 billion dollars that are withheld.

Parliamentarian Rodríguez has repeatedly demanded from the United States government the full release of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Nain Saab Mora, who was kidnapped on June 12, 2020 in Cape Verde when he was traveling around the world looking for food, medicine, and fuel for the people of Venezuela who suffered the crisis generated by the economic blockade and the imperial coercive measures against the country.