Head of State: Bolivarian Revolution builds a new society with the participation of the people

We are moved by the joy that a family, a home, feels when they receive the key to their house. The Bolivarian Revolution wants to build a new society, that of Living by Living, where all sectors of the people participate to build the true democracy that we want,» announced President Nicolás Maduro on Monday.

The statements were made on the occasion of the delivery of the 4,300,000 decent homes milestone by the Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela (Great Mission Housing Venezuela – GMVV).

The Head of State pointed out that this is the society that the Father of the Homeland wanted; the society of maximum happiness, of sharing, of harmony: «simply and with great revolutionary moral commitment we want to consolidate the territorial socialism, the community socialism, the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century.»

On the other hand, he stressed that socialism is built in the community, with communal councils, in the daily coexistence of its members, and above all with great respect for others, for families, and in this way, self-government is consolidated, so that People’s Power can be definitively established in those communities.