USA blocks payment of Venezuela’s membership in the UN

El ministro del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores, Félix Plasencia

Chancellor Félix Plasencia denounced through his social networks that the United States is blocking the payment of Venezuela’s membership in the United Nations system, after the application of unilateral coercive measures.

The so-called sanctions prevent the country from honoring its international financial commitments from the 2021 membership; This new aggression threatens the country’s sovereignty and its right to voice and vote in the United Nations, as explained the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Plasencia asked the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, for maximum support in the face of this flagrant violation of international law and the founding charter of the system itself, highlighting that the US tries to violate the exercise of the rights and privileges of Venezuela against the organization.

Venezuela demands for it to be allowed to pay its membership for 2021, to guarantee the sovereign voice of the nation in the intergovernmental processes of the General Assembly and other instances.