The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported on Wednesday that the agrarian policy in the country has adapted to the great challenges imposed by imperialism, of resistance, in extreme situations of blockade and sabotage.
For this reason, Maduro affirmed that for the Great Mission AgroVenezuela to advance more quickly and effectively, he developed a set of proposals and announced a national consultation of the vertices of the great mission, with the peasant bases, the Agrarian Major Staff; as well as the former ministers for Agriculture of the country:
«I want this proposal to be consulted with all sectors, and for correct policies to be developed at this stage of relaunching of the Great Mission AgroVenezuela», said the national president through a contact with the State’s TV station.
Among the approaches that the Head of State promotes for discussion, evaluation and analysis, there is on a first instance the so-called vertex of the earth; secondly, the seeds; thirdly, bio-inputs, mechanization and agricultural implements. As a fourth aspect the role of the grassroots organizations of the People’s Power, the circuit and financing of the Petro to consolidate the Agropetro, the Plan for Production, Financing and Distribution, and in eighth place the Research and Development:
«It is a document that I have written in 21 pages, and based on this we must develop a creative debate with concrete plans and delivery date to execute the actions», said President Maduro.
In the same way, he instructed the Minister of People’s Power for Agriculture and Productive Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, to democratize the document, and gave him a period of 15 days to obtain a final statement.
«We launched the definitive document and that all producers in the country have it in their hands for discussion and understanding of the Great Mission AgroVenezuela».