The country’s health authorities reported 587 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, as reported the Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, after a meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Prevention of Covid-19 in the country.

She indicated that were detected 574 new cases of community transmission, in addition to 13 imported cases. As she wrote on the Twitter network, Caracas registered the highest number of cases by accounting for 289, being the parishes with the highest number of infections El Valle (86), Catia (29) and Coche (17).

After these data, the country adds 17,158, of which 61% of the patients (10,421) are recovered and only 6,583 are active.

Likewise, it was reported the figure of three new deaths, totaling 154 fatal victims of the disease.

In this context, she detailed the cases as follows, in the Capital District: Antímano (15), La Vega 15, San Pedro (14), Santa Rosalía (14), Altagracia, San Juan and Caricuao with 10 cases, 23 de Enero, and El Recreo with (9) , La Candelaria (6), El Paraíso, San Benardino and Santa Teresa with (5), as well as San Agustín and La Pastora (4). Junquito and San José with (3) and finally Catedral and Macarao with (2). Indicating with this that the 22 parishes are infected by the outbreak.

Regarding national cases, she mentioned Miranda (90), Bolívar (53), Zulia (34), Sucre (27), Delta Amacuro (14), Aragua and La Guaira (12) cases, Mérida and Yaracuy (8), Monagas and Amazonas (7), Carabobo (5 ), Trujillo and Nueva Esparta (3), and Portuguesa (2), after 136 days of quarantine.

Of the imported cases, she said that they all come from Colombia, through Táchira (7) and Zulia (6) states.

Regarding the deaths, she described that they are (1) a 63-year-old man in Miranda state (Baruta) (1) a 57-year-old man in the Capital District (El Valle) and another 58-year-old man from Carabobo state (Tocuyito).

Tests to detect the virus:

Vice President Rodríguez stressed that until this Thursday, Venezuela has carried out 1,521,688 tests, which means 50,723 tests per million inhabitants: «This represents the highest figure in Latin America», she stressed.

There are currently 5,008 patients in the Public Health System, 1,412 in Integral Diagnosis Centers and 163 in private clinics.

She added that from the Presidential Commission to Prevent Covid-19, and under an instruction from President Maduro, who is at the forefront of this pandemic, the people are called to conscientiously accompany the fight to defeat such a terrible scourge.

«To revive productive activity within the framework of the 7 + 7 formula. Remember that taking care of yourself is taking care of everyone. Together we will win the battle to Covid-19″, she said.