As part of the initiatives of technical-scientific cooperation of interest of our country, and in line with the economic engines of productivity being developed by the Bolivarian Government, Ambassador Julian Isaias Rodriguez visited the facilities of the Roman scientific park at the Tor Vergata University, located in the Italian capital city.
The rector of the renowned university, Professor Giuseppe Novelli, welcomed the Venezuelan diplomat, along with the President of the Roman Science Park, Professor Maurizio Talamo, who expressed the willingness and interest of the institution they represent to collaborate with the Bolivarian Government in the development of new areas of cooperation which will promote the transfer of technology and know-how, through intergovernmental and interagency agreements.
The University president highlighted the availability of the Science Park in collaborating with our country organizing high-level courses at a distance, particularly in the sectors of eno-gastronomy and art. In addition, the collaboration could be developed in the following areas: agro-alimentary, pharmaceuticals (for the production of generic medicines, oncology etc). Similarly, the highest representative of this university, said that the areas of cooperation could also include fish farming, information technology and the development of new software, alternative energy and certification of Venezuelan products, which can facilitate the export of the same.
Talamo suggested that collaboration could materialize with universities, ministries and other institutions in the context of internationalization activities carried out by the Park, through the use of the results of investigations carried out to improve the productive system of countries with which they have agreements, such as Brazil, Japan, Ecuador, Argentina, China and others. He also offered the experience that the Park has in the fields of genomics for its application in the pharmaceutical sector and in different diagnoses, such as disease during the first weeks of pregnancy, which would prevent the so dangerous amniocentesis.
The visit included a tour of the Science Park facilities and two major laboratories dedicated to research in the pharmaceutical field, in the field of food technology and telecommunications, specifically in software development.
During the visit, the Venezuelan representative stressed «that oil dependence has limited the development of other sectors» Venezuela has a potential and natural resources, stressed Rodriguez, when referring to the importance of the renewed vision and at the forefront of this university for his internationalize interest in scientific activities for the benefit of the production systems of our countries.
The Venezuelan diplomat said the interest of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is to initiate collaborations from the provision the Science Park has towards Latin America. «The Venezuelan political project does not coincide with the interests of large corporations. Venezuela is both a gateway to the ALBA, and now to Mercosur «.
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