President Maduro pays tribute to the Liberators of Venezuela

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, pays tribute to the Liberators of Venezuela this Sunday, July 5, on the 209th anniversary of the signing of the Act of Independence of our country:

«We celebrate 209 years of dignity, resistance and patriotic rebellion. We pay tribute to the greatness of our Liberators who never hesitated in their effort to liberate these lands from the oppressive chains of colonialism that subjected us for more than 300 years. Long Live the Homeland!” Wrote the head of state through his account on the Twitter social network.

On July 5, 1811, Venezuela became the first nation to become independent from the Spanish dominion, when representatives from seven provinces of the country joined together to end the Spanish monarchy, and subsequently signed the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela Act.

The provinces of Barinas, Barcelona, Cumaná, Margarita, Mérida and Trujillo joined the cause of Caracas -where independence was signed- to disown any monarchical figure.

Meanwhile, the provinces of Maracaibo, Guayana and Coro did not participate in said Congress, but later joined the independence struggle waged by the Liberator Simón Bolívar along with his patriotic forces.

This Sunday with the raising of the National Flag from the National Pantheon, in Caracas, began the commemorative acts for the 209 years of the Declaration of the Act of Independence, a fact registered on July 5, 1811, as well as the celebration of the Day of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB).

Nicolás Maduro
“We celebrate 209 years of dignity, resistance and homeland rebellion. We pay tribute to the greatness of our Liberators who never hesitated in their effort to liberate these lands from the oppressive chains of colonialism that subjected us for more than 300 years. Long live the Homeland!”