Great Mission Homes of the Homeland will serve 6,200,000 families

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, reported Thursday that the Great Mission “Hogares De La Patria” (Homes of the Homeland), assumed the protection of 200,000 new families to attend a total of 6,200,000, on the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of the Carnet de la PAtria (Homeland Card).

“The Great Mission Hogares de la Patria will go from protecting six million families monthly to six million 200 thousand, with the incorporation through the Carnet de la Patria on its third anniversary,” said Maduro, from Fort Tiuna, where he led an activity special for the 3rd anniversary of the social protection system.

The Great Mission Hogares de la Patria is a social program that was created in 2014 on the initiative of President Maduro, with the purpose of zeroing the extreme poverty index that in 1998 reached 10.8%.

For its execution, the Bases of Socialist Missions were created in all regions of the country to attend house by house to all families, a policy that has been reinforced in the face of the economic war imposed by the United States government.

The program is linked to the Carnet de la Patria, a platform through which the different social programs are channeled and optimized.