The plenary of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) unanimously approved this Monday in extraordinary session, the validity of the Plenipotentiary Power until at least December 31, 2020.
The proposal was made by constituent Pedro Carreño, who said: “I want to request in this session to approve the validity of the functioning of the National Constituent Assembly, a Plenipotentiary Power and a symbol of democratic will, at least until December 31, 2020”.
Constituent Hermann Escarrá explained that by supporting the proposal “what we are doing is an act of historical responsibility, because we have not come here for a superficial transit, but to restore peace, to defend the people of Venezuela”.
He stressed that the ANC has as its competence “To elaborate the Constitution of the State and to establish the fundamental rules of the legal system”.
He indicated that in the country from 1811 to 1999 there have been 27 constitutions and 1 constitutional statute, but the only Magna Carta that has been approved by the people is the Bolivarian.
The ANC was elected on July 30, 2017 amidst violent outbreaks that were promulgated by the Venezuelan right wing, and was formally installed on August 4 of the same year.