Director of CICPC: Venezuela will have the most important Information Center in the Americas

Douglas Rico, director of the Corps for Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations (CICPC), informed that before the end of 2017 Venezuela will have the most important Information Center of the Americas.

“It is being built. It is a data center that will be the most important in Latin America”, added the director of CICPC. In there will be managed extensive information, important for investigations, connected to INTERPOL, with state-of-the-art technology.

On his behalf, the CICPC deputy director, Ruben Lugo, announced that they are seeking to expand the scientific laboratories nationwide into eight major strategic regions of integral defense (REDI) and then manage the criminalistics from that site.

“Criminalistics is the fundamental stave of criminal investigation in Venezuela and worldwide,” he emphasized. the CICPC possess a future program to develop qualified human capital in each of the branches required by laboratory scientific investigations.