Varela asks ANC to create a law preventing people with economic interests from accessing public positions

The Minister for Penitentiary Services, Iris Varela, on Tuesday called on the National Constituent Assembly to legislate on corruption, in this regard she asked the plenipotentiary power “to prevent people with economic interests in other countries from accessing public office of election or by appointment” .
“That must be a sine qua non requirement,” she agreed during an interview with the first vice president of the ANC, Tania Díaz and the minister for Education, Aristobulo Istúriz, during the “Dando y Dando” (Taking and giving) program, broadcast by the RNV Informative channel.
“We can not lament for the corrupt and then forget everything burying it, that has to be in the conscience of the Venezuelan people and in the legislation so that we reaffirm our position against this type of behavior”, reiterated Varela.
She recalled the case of Rafael Isea, former Minister of Finance; Hugo “El pollo” Carvajal, retired major general of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces; Luisa Ortega Díaz, former Attorney General of the Republic; Carlos Rotondaro, former president of the Venezuelan Institute of Social Security; and Alejandro Andrade Cedeño, former Treasurer of the Nation, who is currently residing in the United States, as a witness of the United States Government.
She said that those who have “jumped the fence” have done so because they are immersed in corruption: “Most of those who have left are corrupt.” In this regard, she asked President Nicolás Maduro to review those who accompany him: “Any people around you who may have properties abroad, be wary of them; people around you who have a US visa, be wary, because there are many betrayals”.