FANB supports the Government’s decision in defense of the Essequibo

The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) accompanies in all its fullness the position assumed by the Bolivarian Government of not participating in the procedure promoted by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in the International Court of Justice, for lacking this instance of jurisdiction over the proposed action unilaterally

The statement was made on Tuesday by the Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino Lopez: “Since 1966 we have said that the Geneva Accord is the instrument through which we are going to settle the dispute between the Essequibo territory and Guyana, through political dialogue”.

During a social journey of Mission Negro Primero, in Fort Tiuna, Caracas, he exhorted the Government of Guyana to take up this challenge through political dialogue, considering that the Geneva Agreement is the only instrument to reach a practical and satisfactory arrangement in about what he described as a “shameless dispossession against the territory and integrity of Venezuela”.

“The soldiers will always be vigilant and attentive because it is one of the constitutional tasks of the FANB, to guarantee the integrity of its geographic spaces, this is a subject that we are constantly evaluating in the Superior Higher Staff of the FANB.”