President Maduro congratulated Naval School of Venezuela for its 205th anniversary

From his account on the Facebook social network, President Nicolas Maduro congratulated the National Naval School, an institution that met 205 years of existence, while stressing that this Alma Mater takes the helm of forging men and women in white, children of the Homeland, children of Bolivar, children of the Bolivarian Revolution.
Nicolas Maduro
Our glorious Naval School of Venezuela meets today 205 of being founded, being one of the bases of the Venezuelan Military University, made up of its three sisters brothers in arms as are the Aviation, the Army and the National Guard.
This Alma Mater takes the helm of forging men and women in white, children of the Homeland, children of Bolivar, children of the Bolivarian Revolution, who nowadays are part of the golden generation which continues battling against imperialism, guaranteeing sovereignty, the integral defense, the exercise of authority, the active participation on the development of the nation in the water spaces and building in the social scope, meeting the principles of our Eternal and Supreme Commander Chávez.
Long live the women and men in white! Long live out Glorious Academy!