«Already with the decisions that have been taken with OPEC, oil begins to gradually raise the price of a barrel to an acceptable level», Thus was said on Tuesday by the Head of State, Nicolas Maduro, from the outskirts of Miraflores Palace in Caracas, during an event to commemorate the International Women’s Day.
«The attack against the country has been on the economic front, it has been both nationally and internationally», said the National President through a national radio and television joint broadcast.
He added that despite this war, Venezuela is standing up, «(Venezuela) does nor surrender, nor gives up, because our country is worth all the sacrifice, the perseverance, the struggle, and delivery».
He also said that with a downfall of oil prices like ours, «The right wing, what would have not done with the country?, our people is struggling to have access to some products, but I doubt that any country, maybe except Cuba, may face a situation such as this, and we face it because there is consciousness and values».
Finally, he added that this economic crisis situation is kind of an opportunity for the country, which will allow to break the dependence on oil, «Here we have to end the imports, let’s produce everything we need, that is the task of our generation, we must make this country a sustainable and prosperous one».
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