COVID: Venezuela registers 1,398 new infections and a recovery rate of 90%.

This Monday, a total of 1,398 new cases of Covid-19, all of them community-transmitted, were detected by Venezuelan health authorities, raising the total number of Coronavirus cases to 184,595, while the recovery rate stands at 90%, with 166,826 patients recovered thanks to the free treatments guaranteed by the Bolivarian Government.

This was announced by the sectoral vice-president for Communication, Culture and Tourism and also Minister of People’s Power for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, through his official accounts in social networks, at the end of the usual meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Control and Prevention of Covid-19.

In this sense, Ñáñez specified that in Venezuela the cases of community transmission were detected in 20 states: Yaracuy (274), Anzoátegui (255), Mérida (165), Lara (141), Caracas (139), Miranda (90), Bolívar (69), La Guaira (57), Zulia (50), Cojedes (41), Monagas (25), Aragua (20), Falcón (19), Trujillo (16), Apure (13), Carabobo (11), Delta Amacuro (6), Portuguesa (4), Barinas (2), Sucre (1).

Yaracuy state is the entity with the highest number of infections in its 14 municipalities, distributed as follows: San Felipe (107), Independencia (55), La Trinidad (25), Bolívar (22), Cocorote (19), Peña (11), Veroes (9), José Antonio Páez (6), Nirgua (5), Manuel Monge (5), Bruzual (3), Sucre (3), Arístides Bastidas (1), Urachiche (1).

Likewise, the Vice-President of Communication, Culture and Tourism detailed that the general statistics to date, 400 days after the implementation of the quarantine in the country, show the following figures:

A total of to 184,595 confirmed cases.

166,826 persons recovered (90% of the infections)

15,844 active cases

15,333 cases are being treated within the public health system and 511 in private clinics.

9,521 patients are Asymptomatic

5,433 with mild Acute Respiratory Failure

601 with Moderate Acute Respiratory Failure

289 in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Likewise, he regretted the death of 20 Venezuelan men and women victims of this disease, the highest number in the 400 days of the fight against Covid-19, totaling 1,925 deaths to date:

2 women aged 65, 68 years old, and 2 men aged 55, 78 years, from Miranda state.

A woman aged 65 years old, and 3 men aged 61, 65, 85 years, from Caracas.

3 men aged 31, 66 and 84 years old from Sucre state.

2 men aged 55, 75 and 1 woman aged 84 from Aragua state.

A woman aged 77 and a man aged 56, from Lara state.

2 women aged 69 and 84 from Trujillo state.

A 78-year-old man from Delta Amacuro state.

A 25 year-old man from Zulia state.

Finally, the Minister of People’s Power for Communication and Information analyzed the latest information issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the serious health situation in the world, expressing that «This Monday @DrTedros highlighted that it took 9 months to reach one million deaths, 4 months for two million and 3 months for three million, figures that lead us to reflect to further extreme biosecurity measures».

«@DrTedros indicated that the number of infections recorded during the last week far exceeds the previous ones breaking a record of 5.2 million new infections. In this beginning of the quarantine under the 7+7 model, we reiterate the call to avoid family gatherings,» he said.