Maduro: We have been aware of the whole rains situation

The Bolivarian Government monitors nationwide the heavy rains that since Tuesday have fallen in the past 48 hours over the country, which have affected several municipalities in the Greater Caracas and other regions.
«We have been aware of all these extreme events (…) 24 hour attending all situations that may arise in the country of any kind,» expressed the Head of State, who offered an assessment of the situation of rains throughout the national territory from the Presidential Command Post of Miraflores Palace in Caracas.
He explained that in the Capital Region and in other states, heavy rains flooded the main avenues of Caracas, «It knocked down trees, the rivers in some parts of the country overflew, and in some places has not been fulfilled the tasks of cleaning of drains and sewerage».
In that regard, he noted that Miranda state is the worst place in the country, especially in the municipality of Sucre, where the National Government has sent machinery, «Making duties that belong to the mayor of Petare (Carlos Ocariz) and the Governor of Miranda state (… ) who has not even been present in these places», he added.
Finally, he recalled that on Friday will be signed the Agreement on Climate Change in New York, and therefore he is evaluating who will head the delegation of Venezuela for this important event, in which the President expressed to be unsure of attending.