Head of State reaffirms his indomitability and calls for unity for the victory of JUL-28

During the broadcast of the weekly “Con Maduro+” program, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, analyzed the results of the survey carried out by the Parametrica poll company, which indicates a voting intention of 43% in his favor in the next elections, in this regard he highlighted that “the real survey is in the streets”, referring to the hope and power that resides in the Venezuelan people.

In this sense, the Parametrica survey suggests that, if the elections were held tomorrow, the Revolutionary leader would obtain the majority of the votes, which would greatly surpass the closest candidate by 11 percentage points.

Response to opposition candidates:
In this context, the president responded to the interactions of the opposition candidates who challenged him both to debate and to “pact” with the opposition, in a series of publications that were classified as a “commotion by patarucos (phonies) who attack me in order to call for attention.”

“The patarucos who are in an uproar against Maduro know that Maduro is not a weak, manipulable man, he’s nobody’s puppet, who does not allow himself to be defeated, because they know that this man who is here was forged in struggles and had Commander Hugo Chávez as his teacher,” he said.

In this regard, President Maduro referred to the tweet by the candidate for the Accion Democratica party, Luis Eduardo Martínez, who challenged him to a public debate, and responded by referring to Martínez as “the candidate of the past”, who seeks to return the homeland to a time of darkness, while reaffirming the Bolivarian Government’s commitment to a program that looks to the future.