Constituents activate throughout the country to defend Law of Agreed Prices

The Chairwoman of the National Constituent Assembly(ANC), Delcy Rodríguez, convened the members of the plenipotentiary body to be deployed throughout the country to promote the Law on Agreed Prices, an instrument legally approved in order to combat speculation.

“The constituents are summoned for the meeting next Tuesday at 3 Pm, in order to plan the deployment throughout the national territory in defense of the agreed prices and their control”, announced Rodriguez.

The Law on Agreed Prices is composed of 12 articles that were approved on November 14 and 21 by the ANC, in first and second discussion, respectively.

Among the most important aspects of this article are the establishment of a dialogue of co-responsibility between all sectors of the country dedicated to the production and marketing of items, and the establishment of agreements for supply.