Installed 22 commissions of the National Constituent Assembly

The National Constituent Assembly (ANC) installed on Thursday the 22 commissions of this plenipotentiary body representing the originary Power of the People.

“The 22 permanent work commissions of the National Constituent Assembly are officially appointed with their respective members and authorities, Presidents and Vice Presidents,” said the first Vice President of the ANC, Aristóbulo Istúriz, during this Thursday’s session of the Constituent Assembly.

From August 28, the commissions began consultations and public debates with all sectors of the population to gather proposals to be incorporated into the new Constitution, which will be drafted by the plenipotentiary body.

1. Constitutional Commission: will be responsible for the preparation of the preliminary draft of the reasons for the Constitution relating the new text with that of the Magna Carta of 1999.

2. Popular participation commission: Will be in charge of channeling the proposals of the people that are directed to the ANC.

3. Commission of diversified and productive economy

4. Commission on sovereignty, integration and international relations

5. National public commission: will evaluate the structuring of the national public power

6. Justice, transparency and effective tutelage commission

7. Commission for peaceful coexistence

8. Human Rights and Constitutional Guarantees Commission

9. Communication and information commission

10. Commission of missions and Great Social Missions

11. Commission on the rights and guarantees of youth

12. Commission on women and gender equity

13. Commission for persons with disabilities

14. Commission for the elderly and pensioners

15. Education, science and technology commission

16. Cultural identity commission

17. Commission for the integral protection of the environment and an ecological culture for the right to the environment and the quality of life

18. Commission on rights for human, ethnic, religious and gender diversity

19. Commission of the defense system and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces

20. Commission of indigenous peoples

21. Commission for the consolidation of participatory democracy.

22. Commission for Sovereignty and territorial integrity