Maduro: In Venezuela begins new stage of the Bolivarian Revolution

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, from Miraflores Palace and in a meeting with the Governors-elect last October 15, informed that after the electoral victory of the Bolivarian Revolution begins a stage of accumulation of forces, of solving the economic, political and social problems.

He asked the Governors men and women to renew the methods to advance in the Revolutionary process.

“Let no one rest on the laurels, we must renew the methods of relationship with the people and work, renew the organization, improve every day, the CLAPs and the Communal Councils do the work they have to do, I order to renew the UBCHs and their leadership”.

He pointed out that the goal of the Bolivarian Revolution is to increasingly integrate Venezuelans into economic and social policies, stated that improvements will come in the management of the National Executive.

“We can not remain stagnant, we must build new ways to continue advancing, we are a peaceful, democratic and electoral Revolution because in Venezuela is established a highly democratic Government”.

He emphasized that from Latin America awakens a great wave of Revolutions, and assures that Commander Chávez was a fundamental piece.

“The people knew neoliberalism and the restoration of the right wing, we have resisted here without falling, today we are loosening our legs and walking, there were people who misunderstood the death of Hugo Chavez, the right wing took advantage to attack Venezuela and its people” , he stressed.

The President of the Republic explained that it was with the physical loss of Commander Chavez when he started the counter-offensive of the right wing to achieve a neoliberal restoration.

“I can say that on October 15 began the counter-offensive against a new popular and revolutionary wave of Latin America.”