Enough of arrogance! Venezuela withdraws its ambassador in the US

The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro announced on Wednesday night that Venezuela withdraws its charge d’affaires in the US, Maximilien Arvelaiz.
«I made the decision, after 18 months, to withdraw our ambassador who has been exercising the role of charge d’affaires in Washington, Mr. Maximilien Arvelaiz, and to return him to our capital, Caracas, to remove him already from our embassy there in Washington. If they do not want anything with us, the Bolivarian Venezuela withdraws its ambassador from Washington», said the Head of State on a National radio and television joint broadcast to the country.
In that regard, he said that «enough of arrogance, of double standards, of arrogance and intrigue» by the US Government, because the Venezuela of Bolívar must be respected with the truth, with the courage and the unredeemed spirit that has moved the Homeland for centuries and centuries of struggle.
From the National Pantheon in Caracas, the President also informed that he gave precise instructions, «Within the plan of defense of Venezuela in the diplomatic, political and cultural fields,» to Chancellor Delcy Rodríguez, so that in the coming weeks from the Chancellery is defended the dignity of the Homeland and thus take measures that will be announced at the appropriate time to the country, in order to respond and reject the announcement of the renewal of the interventionist executive order by Barack Obama.
He said he would have liked to say quite the opposite, and thus express that as a product of the efforts had been achieved a relationship of respect within the framework of equality, and that the US Government appointed an ambassador to Venezuela.
«There are they with their imperial ideas, and here we are with our Bolivarian ideas, coexisting in a new world (…) as I would like to say, I made every possible effort», he added.
The First National Representative from the National Pantheon in Caracas, where the people in civic-military union, raised its voice against the interventionist executive order by the US Government, also said that would have liked to open a gate for Barack Obama not to leave its Presidency leaving  his record stained by attacking the Venezuela of Simon Bolivar, and the Venezuela worthy of  Hugo Chavez, of the 21st century.
However, he assured that better times will come, but for that Venezuela has to stand up, and it will be if there is a people standing up, mobilized, conscious and with a President at the front of the Homeland and the Republic. «It is the only guarantee for us to be respected, sooner rather than later, by this offender and murderer empire».
He urged the Venezuelan people to continue conquering peace, to go ahead with the Bolivarian Economic Agenda, to continue loving the Homeland, relying on the fate of our country with faith, love, passion and commitment.