The National Constituent Assembly is an instrument for the construction of peace, said the Constituent deputy, Diosdado Cabello, during the 173rd issue of the “Con el Mazo Dando” (Hitting with the Hammer) program.

“Let’s make out of that ANC a beautiful instrument for building peace. We are going on the road and there will come out other things (…) there is no way to achieve economic stability, stability of any kind if we fail to preserve peace and consolidate peace”, he said.

He denounced the constant attacks on the constituent power by the right wing, evidencing their desire to serve groups of elites, forgetting the people.

“Why do they attack the ANC?, because the proposal of the National Constituent Assembly of them is that of Colombia, that of the elites”, he declared.

Cabello emphasized that each representative of the original power demonstrates the expansion of the legacy of the Commander and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chavez, as the first Constituent.

“I see those men and women who are there and I swear that the one I see is Chavez … it is the humble people who are there in that assembly … here the first Constituent was Companion Comrade Commander Hugo Chávez Frías (…) and what Nicolás (Maduro) is doing is following the teachings of President Chávez”, he said.

He assured that the ANC will mark a before and after in the history of Venezuela, contributing to the supreme happiness of the sovereign.

Constituent Cabello added that in the face of attacks by opposition sectors, the Bolivarian Revolution relies on a people who want peace.

“May you stay with your boss, we stay with the people who wants to fight, wants to combat and wants peace in our country”, he said.