Maduro: With or without right wing, Venezuela goes ahead

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, referred to the year 2016 as a year for dialogue. Thus he maintained it in a national radio and television joint broadcast, during the Homeland Congress developed in the Carabobo Battlefield.
«This is the great national dialogue because it is the dialogue with the youth, the housewife, the student, the peasant, the worker, the professional, with anyone hwo works, with the military, with anyone who studies, with the Communal councils, with the CLAPs. It is the great national and social dialogue with everyone, true, democratic, critical, self-critical, «added Maduro.
He also said that Venezuela will continue ahead: «With or without the right wing dialoging, Venezuela goes ahead, it continues solving the problems. Because they believe that they are essential, in here will reign peace».
The Head of State said: «Dialogue is more convenient to them, they are the ones it convenes the most. I know why I say this. «