Maduro announces Mission Bernardo Álvarez to demand repeal of Obama executive order

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, informed on Monday that he will launch a new national and international campaign called “Misión Bernardo Álvarez”, to demand to the outgoing president of the United States, Barack Obama, to repeal the Executive Order qualifying the Country as an “unusual and extraordinary threat”.
From the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry in Caracas, where he participated in the funeral of Alvarez, who died on Friday, November 25, he indicated that one way to honor the outstanding diplomat is with this campaign.
“Let us make a great campaign so that President Barack Obama, before leaving office on January 20, hears the clamor of the history and of the Homeland of Simon Bolivar,” said the Head of State.
He said that if any day that decree is used to violate and intervene Venezuela, such action would have the signature of Barack Obama for centuries.
“Obama must understand that if he does not sign the dissolution of that executive order he would leave the doors open for any adventure against the peace, sovereignty and life of Venezuela,” he said.
The Head of State reported that he will send a letter directly to his US counterpart in order to let the country be free of threats, and therefore he hopes that the opposition supports this initiative from the table of dialogue.
“Our weapons are the words and the ability to dialogue.”