Attorney: Protective action against the AN seeks to avoid violence

«Although it is a legal action, an action before the Supreme Court of Justice, one of the first things we are trying is to avoid that there would be any violence,» said on Thursday the Prosecutor General of the Republic, Reinaldo Muñoz, referring to the protective action filed yesterday against the National Assembly (AN) for their recent actions outside the Constitution.
The protective action does not seek to sanction the AN, nor seeks the lifting of parliamentary immunity, on the contrary the TSJ is expected to dictate measures that prevent the promulgation of agreements that have no legal validity but which cause sensationalism in the population, And that the people continue to be called to the streets to encourage confrontations with the public authorities», he said.
Interviewed in the program «La Pauta de Hoy» (Today’s schedule), broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión, Muñoz commented that the particular thing about this case is that it is not a single isolated action, but a series of situations that have been happening even before the swearing-in of the current directive of the Parliament, in January, which led to violation of constitutional rules.
He recalled that there are a number of constitutional rules that must be recognized by all citizens and in particular by the public authorities, and when those rules are unknown or violated, the Constitution of the Republic establishes mechanisms of protection and is the Supreme Court Which must state whether there is a violation.
The Attorney added that in the next 48 hours the TSJ, through the Constitutional Chamber, must rule on the admission of this resource to continue the process.