The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Aristobulo Isturiz, stressed the need to guarantee the 2017 Sovereign Budget. «We have to guarantee the sovereign approval of the budget. The Constitution says that the Assembly approves the budget, but this Assembly came into contempt «.
This was stated during the inauguration ceremony of the municipal teams of United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) in Anzoategui. «They wanted to invent that all powers were in conflict, as a trap so that there was a (foreign) intervention in Venezuela, and in here there is not a confrontation of powers. In here there are 5 powers and there is one that has rebelled against the rest. Which one is that power? It’s the National Assembly «.
He said that: «The Assembly usurped the functions of the Supreme Court of Justice, disowned the Supreme Court of Justice, has usurped the functions of the Moral Power, disowns the Electoral Council, that is, they began to fight with everyone. And they do not respect nor acknowledge the Executive Power. »
Isturiz said that «as in every year, in 2017 we must have a budget,» recalling that «in January our people were demoralized because we came from a defeat we did not expect, that’s the worst moment for us, we had the worst year start, this year. » In this regard, he said they will work to have the best start for 2017, «The best one of the 18 years of the Revolution.»
«To the PSUV youth, the Bolivarian youth, is being ordered to begin on November 1 the Christmas revelry. Let’s make this December the best December, because we work for that, «added the Vice President.
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