The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, informed that will lead on Friday a popular assembly of the Homeland Congress, to present the 2017 National budget, then to approve it through the decree of State of Emergency of Economic Emergency.
From Plaza Venezuela in Caracas, where he commemorated the Day of Indigenous Resistance, he said that once approved the budget it shall be presented before the Supreme Court of Justice, since the National Assembly, the authority to which must be presented the relation of investments for next year , is in contempt.
«The maximum Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court issued a ruling yesterday and I am obliged to enforce the judgment (…) Therefore, after discussing the budget I will approve it by a decree law in order to guarantee the rights of the people,» he expressed in a radio and television joint broadcast.
He further highlighted that the National Assembly decided to take the path of the shortcut and abandoned the path of the Constitution, and therefore they are only a step away from self-dissolving.
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