FANB rejects interference by the US Government

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense, rejected on behalf of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) the statements by the US President Barack Obama, who said that the Government of Venezuela is illegitimate, and in that sense he announced that the institution he represents has formally issued a statement repudiating this situation.
Padrino Lopez recalled that President Nicolas Maduro was elected by the people to exercise his mandate, and so he called on Venezuelans to be on alert, well annotating that «the Armed Forces can not remain silent before some dangerous statements such as the ones that President Obama has made».
«These statements are dangerous for peace, not only in Venezuela but for Latin America and the Caribbean (…) I appeal to all the armed forces at different levels and categories so that we are aware of the high danger not only of this Executive Order, but of what has formed following it (…) we vindicate from here the legitimacy of Maduro as a Constitutional President as Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Forces, «said Padrino Lopez
This was stated by Padrino López from the Military Academy of Aviation in Aragua state.
Following, the communiqué by the FANB.
Last Monday, March 14, was known through an international Television network that the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, referred to our country again by pointing out he is worried by the state of its economy, and affirming that the same is directly connected with governability, and that «the sooner» the Venezuelan People may be «able to elect a legitimate Government» to get it out of the current crisis, «the better it would be for all of us».
Given the nature and dangerousness of these statements, the Bolivarian National Armed FOrces cannot remain silent nor remain indifferent, in consequence, as it corresponds by Constitutional Mandate, it expresses its deepest and most absolute rejection to the same, which are part of the well known script of interventionism, imperialism, domination and oppression repeated hundreds of times throughout the world, which so much harm has done to the humanity.
His remarks try to delegitimize our President, Nicolás Maduro Moros, Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, which is not only disrespectful, but also lacking supporting arguments, since he was democratically elected by the popular, universal, direct and secret vote of the people, through an election process on which he achieved a 50,61% of the voting, a fact that emdows him legally to meet a 6-year presidential term.
The attitude of Mr. Obama offends the dignity and the honor of the Venezuelan nation, which enjoys a Democratic and Social state of Law and Justice, enshrined in our Magna Carta, on which are respected the Human Rights, as well as the principle of non-interference on the internal issues of other countries, the principle of self-determination of the peoples and of sovereign equality of the States. That same constitution also establishes the mechanisms to solve and resolve our problems.
Likewise, he uses the pretext of an alleged ungovernability to justify the destabilizing actions performed by organizations that promote the overthrowing of the National Government as the only way to overcome the current crisis. It even seems a veiled incitement to such groups to act more quickly, which could generate consequences in the preservation of the citizens peace.
Likewise, by referring that the failure of Venezuela could affect the entire region, and consequently the economy of the United States, it disingenuously deals again with the idea of that we are a threat, with which they insist on giving a rational and legal form to the decree that qualifies us as such, and to the reasons that would allow him to intervene in a more direct manner in our country. It is convenient to highlight that the Venezuelan State was recently elected by an ample majority of member countries of the uNited Nations Organization, to make part of the Security COuncil and the Human Rights Council, which ratifies their acknowledgement at an international level, giving its starring role in Latin America and the Caribbean, specially in the consolidation of multi-lateral organizations such as Unasur, Celac, Petrocaribe, Alba, among others.
Without any doubt, we are in the presence of another pathetic demonstration of the U.S. Interventionism, but what Obama ignores is that the Venezuelan People, its Government and its Military Institutions, have reached, thanks to the Bolivarian Process shaped by the Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, a higher level of Socio-Political awareness, which allows it to interpret with due caution and adequacy these neo-colonial strategies, which in a surreptitious manner try to undermine the unity and the patriotic feeling of the society.
The Bolivarian National Armed Forces will never stop expressing to the context of the Nations, its strong rejection to this kind of intermission in our internal affairs, vile actions that attempt against the most genuine libertarian traditions, inherited from the Father of the Homeland, Simón Bolivar, it sill never rest on its efforts to defend the sovereignty and independence, and today more than ever ratifies its unswerving Anti-Imperialist will and its undefeatable will to conquer, along with its people, the dream of a Great, Free and Sovereign Venezuela.