The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, said on Monday at the launching of the new Great Mission Sovereign Supply, that this initiative will attack with its 7 action vertices, the serious problems that have slowed development.
During a meeting of the Ministers Cabinet held at the Miraflores Palace, the Head of State defined eight serious problems in the national economy:
1- Escalade of prices, unrelated to production costs.
2- Hoarding, speculation, smuggling and «bachaquerismo» (speculative smuggling and usury).
3. The low productive performance.
4- The deficient distribution system.
5- The consumerism culture.
6- The territorial occupation of the economic apparatus.
7- The deficient maintenance system.
8- The deficient mechanism of coordination among economic actors.
In relation to this situation that the President defined as «the tree of problems to be solved», he said that the Government has partially hit all expressions against the crimes of the economic war related to the «bachaquerismo» (speculative smuggling and usury) and production, but stressed the need to neutralize them.
Regarding the low productive performance, he noted that have been obtained early victories regarding this issue and there has been a great effort, «however, we must continue to promote the entire national production and development».
He also stressed that we must build a new system of food distribution and for the productive capacity to spans the entire national territory.
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