Governors and Mayors are called to the immediate delivery of resources to community projects

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, instructed to monitor that governors and mayors of the country proceed with the immediate delivery of financing for the execution of community projects, elected by popular vote in each entity of the country.

During the 73rd edition of his weekly “Con Maduro+” program, the Venezuelan president asserted that he will propose, under the regulations for the election of candidates, that “any governor or mayor who has not done so, will be excluded from the root and will not be able to be a candidate even for the post of janitor of their own building.»

This instruction was directed to the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez; to the Minister of People’s Power for Communes and Social Movements, Ángel Prado; and the mayor of the Bolivarian municipality of Libertador, A/J Carmen Meléndez, who also has the responsibility of overseeing regional and municipal policies throughout the country, for the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

In this context, the head of State offered details on the percentage of resources that have already been redirected for the execution of the projects, which is at 77%, and that by this week it will already reach 100% of its total.

The head of State also recalled that in the Capital District the goal of 100% of the delivery of economic resources for the second project has already been met.