The president of the National Assembly (AN), deputy Jorge Rodríguez (PSUV/Capital District), revealed in an interview that the plan of the national and international extreme right wing was to make the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela disappear and steal the money from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
He explained that Leopoldo López, Julio Borges, María Corina Machado, Edmundo González Urrutia and others; participated in conspiratorial plans to hand over Venezuela. He said that, to do so, they received money from USAID, with which they paid the comanditos who generated violence and terror.
He confirmed that the amount received by the pseudo opposition leaders from USAID amounted to 1.684 million dollars to carry out their conspiratorial plans, in which Colombian mercenary and paramilitary groups participated.
The president of the Parliament also explained how the conspiratorial plan, financed by the USA, which sought to sow death and destruction, had its reach in the institutionality of the Electoral Power last July 28; referring to these events as fascism in its purest form.
He expressed his satisfaction because such plans did not achieve their criminal end, which was to confront the Venezuelans; since the interference of the multilateral forces, with the presence of fascist countries of the continent in the nation, would have made the Republic disappear:
“What is happening in USAID is the tip of the iceberg”, he said. However, he warned that the Venezuelan State will take measures against anyone who has received financing from the American agency, he pointed out.