Maduro: “No child or young person will be outside the educational system”

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, assured that the Bolivarian Government has planned to concretize its efforts in educational matters in five priority objectives. The first of them is that “no child or young person will be outside the Venezuelan educational system”.

This was announced during the journey to supervise the delivery of works recovered by the Bricomiles, in addition to the return to classes and the beginning of the second pedagogical moment 2024-2025, after the December break:

We are setting several goals that I summarize in five guidelines. Be attentive, directors of educational zones of the country; directors of schools and high schools… we are considering concentrating efforts on the following five objectives: first, we have set the goal that no child is outside the Venezuelan school system. The Venezuelan education system has 85% of students in public education. A great achievement of these years of humanist, Bolivarian revolution, but we have to go for more” he said.

Delivery of 102 educational centers:

Minutes earlier, the head of State also reported that “we have started the second pedagogical moment of the 2024-2025 school year, improving everything. Today we delivered 102 educational establishments, schools and high schools equipped and recovered thanks to the work of Bricomiles”.

He also made a reflection on this great advance in education achieved by the policies of the Bolivarian Government. He indicated that “25 years ago the country’s public education system was destroyed and the numbers were upside down. Only 40% of students were in the public system and school dropout reached 60% of children and young people of age to be in the educational system, of school age”.

He stated that “for this reason each social movement, each communal council, each street leader, each community leader, each UBCh leader, each UBCh leader and team must set themselves the goal of having a school for every child, a school for every girl, a school for every young person, a high school. A great guideline that has to do with the quantitative.”

In this sense, the president also detailed that the other educational goals are:

– Achieving five days of class, as well as five hours a day. It is a necessary element for the correct process of educational development.

– Making a correct distribution of teachers and professors by schools and high schools, so that the staff is complete. This is an effort and commitment on the part of the country’s teachers and professors.

Increasing the quality of educational programs, updating the content. Improving the methods that lead to critical analysis.

– Raising the quality and capacity of management in schools and high schools. Increasing the training levels of all administrative, labor and teaching staff.