2024-2030 Republic Plan will strengthen the ranks of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces

During the commemoration of the 200 years of the Battle of Ayacucho, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, signed and approved the plan of transformations and development of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), which has now become the Republic Plan 2024-2030, to deepen the nationalist, anti-imperialist, Bolivarian, socialist and deeply Chavista military revolution.

This plan of the Bolivarian Revolution is part of a historical process that marked the before and now of Venezuela, as well as the ideas, the republican dreams, the stellar time for the concrete utopias that left forever marked the genes of the people and the Republic.

President Maduro stressed that a day like today was the culmination of a long process that began with the arrival of Spanish colonialism to this immense geography of what is now America, so he asked himself: «The Spanish empire, an astonishing system of conquest, domination and colonialism, how did they manage to subject to domination and extermination for more than 12,000 years the cultures and peoples that had been living in these territories of what is now known as the Americas?»

In this context, he paraphrased the Liberator Simón Bolívar who said: «We have been dominated more by deception, by lies than by force,» on which he reflected: «It means that we were dominated more by deception, by lies, by perfidy, by intrigue, than by force.»

The President described that the Spanish domination that 200 years ago was exerted by deception and lies; today it is called psychological and cognitive warfare, to subject an entire continent to its impositions:

«Now we are celebrating 200 years of Ayacucho as an independent town, sovereign in freedom, respected by the world, vindicated and vindicating the ideas of freedom,» emphasized the Venezuelan head of state.