From the Economic Council – Export Chapter, which took place this Thursday in the Port of La Guaira, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, made important announcements in economic matters, in order to consolidate the export vocation of the Venezuelan economy.

The first of them was the relaunch of the Foreign Trade Bank (Bancoex), as well as the signing of decrees with the rank and force of law, with which the General Staff of Non-Oil Exports is established, and the creation of the Agency for the Promotion and Exports of Venezuela.

Regarding Bancoex, President Maduro said that “it is called to be a great bank for financing and facilitating Venezuelan exports for the new stage of the Venezuelan economy,» and that its strengthening is necessary, which will also allow strengthening a special portfolio of facilitation and financing for Venezuelan exporters.

For the General Staff of Non-Oil Exports, he has appointed as coordinator the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, and the ministries and institutions linked to the export issue will be concentrated under this mechanism, highlighting the ministries of People’s Power for Transportation, Productive Agriculture and Lands, Fishing and Aquaculture, the National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (Seniat), the Bolivariana de Puertos (Bolivarian Ports) – Bolipuertos institution, among others.

Lcda. Daniela Desirée Cabello Contreras assumes the presidency of the Venezuelan Promotion and Exports Agency, a specialized institution of the highest technological level that must focus on seeking all possible ways and means to reach all international destinations, with the diversification of quality products and even great human and technological innovation.

For her part, executive vice president Delcy Rodríguez has stated to the head of state, Nicolás Maduro, that the strengthening of Bancoex will allow the leverage that exporters need and, along with targeted policies, to overcome the obstacles and problems that have to do with the times for export, which are greater than what occurs in other countries, (also) costs, procedures and protocols.

With the decrees and announcements made by President Maduro, the goal is to create a new non-oil depending culture in the country, highlighting the potential of Venezuela, precisely reflected in the export engine, beyond food production, industry, agroindustry and the development of other sectors.