After receiving a report from the 1×10 socialist program of the Good Government, and with an effusive greeting, President Nicolás Maduro delivered the “Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa” National Educational Unit, brand new, in the Caroní municipality of Ciudad Guayana, Bolívar state, a space that will benefit 1,300 students, with a goal set to benefit 2,000 young people in the immediate future.
When delivering this work, the President emphasized that “it is very important because among the new plans for what is to come, Venezuela is going for the better.”
The head of state referred to the importance of the plan to strengthen cafeterias in schools, high schools, as well as the School Feeding Program (PAE) and its 100% recovery:
“Never before in life, when the oligarchy ruled, did they ever worry about feeding the boys, girls, and students, and we created the PAE, but then it was greatly weakened as a result of the economic war,” he recalled.
Along these lines, he ordered the Minister of People’s Power of Education, Yelitze Santaella, to bring school cafeterias to all rehabilitated schools and high schools: “Any schools that we fix, high schools that we fix, have to have their dining room and the mothers to cook and guarantee food. It’s very important!” he urged.
Also, from the National Educational Unit “Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa”, President @NicolasMaduro simultaneously delivered four works of the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (Bricomiles):
The CDI and SRI “Los Olivos” of the University parish; the Joaquín Moreno National High School in Mendoza; the CDI and SRI “El Roble” and a SRI in Unare.
“Five brand new works from the Bricomiles, as the people deserve,” stressed the head of state.