Scientific-Farmer Alliance from 2019 to date increased by 5,900%

The Scientific-Farmer Alliance “is a project that from 2019 to date has increased by 5,900%, which represents an import substitution of more than 2 billion dollars in the last six years,” as reported the sectoral vice president for Science, Technology, Education and Health, Gabriela Jiménez.

From the facilities of the Biotechnological Center for Training in the Production of Agamic Seeds (CEBISA), during a television contact with the Head of State and Government, Nicolás Maduro Moros, Minister Jiménez highlighted that this achievement is thanks to the efforts of the Bolivarian Government:

This knowledge management, another way of doing science for production, has been thanks to the efforts of the Bolivarian Government (…) scientists from the field, farmers doing science in a different way, a new model of knowledge and national biotechnological development.

He also recalled that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recognized this effort, evaluating the laboratory and the alliance movement to be categorized as a biotechnology and open science center of category 2:

In this space, twelve objectives of the United Nations development agenda are developed today, and there are seventeen objectives,” reflecting the fusion of knowledge, technology and identity of the country’s peasants.

He also indicated that more than 11,000 training workshops have been dedicated to this project, extending to twenty states of the country and highlighting that 62% of the productive hands of the alliance are women and young people, which has allowed us to renew national talent and serve the agri-food engine, a priority of the Government and the Bolivarian economy.

She pointed out that each seed produced in this laboratory is registered on a technological platform, with GPS coordinates of each farm and production unit.

She added that this system guarantees that each vitroplant, under the custody of the alliance, becomes a ton of consumer potatoes in four years, allowing millions of Venezuelans to enjoy a sovereign and nutritious diet.

Finally, the sectoral vice president of Science, Technology, Education and Health, Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez, specified that the Scientific-Farmer Alliance is ready to continue its work this year, having found 40,000 hectares of corn processed with biotechnological tools.

This collective effort is a testimony of the love for Venezuela and the conviction that, with continued support, courage, action and dialogue for the well-being and prosperity of the country will increase even more,” she said.

The information was highlighted during a meeting with the National Council of Productive Economy that united the states of Mérida, Táchira and Trujillo, a meeting led by the head of state, Nicolás Maduro.